
Portland Drafts Ordinance To Crackdown On Airbnb

The legal battle between the City of Portland and Airbnb may finally be coming to a head. The following article written and published by OPB outlines what they are calling the “crackdown.”

“Portland’s mayor is planning to introduce an ordinance that would force online short-term rental companies like Airbnb to take down unpermitted rentals. The proposed crackdown in Portland follows a federal court ruling in March that dealt a legal blow to Airbnb’s long-held position that it is not responsible for policing unpermitted listings on its site. Portland’s revenue division has been trying to reach a voluntary agreement with the company for more than a year over unpermitted rentals. The city says Airbnb’s latest offer represented a step backward, so it is preparing to try a tougher tactic: an ordinance that goes after Airbnb’s profits.”

HomeAway agreed to divulge all the names, addresses and contact information of its local hosts.

The Portland Tribune posted the following article and in it the author outlines the lawsuit with HomeAway and the resulting outcome with the City of Portland. 

These changes will affect so many short term rental hosts in Portland, and hopefully the City will allow a grace period for hosts to get their permitting in place. Big decisions like this seem to move slowly but there's talk of the change happening at the beginning of summer, right at the start of high season here! 

The standard one and two bedroom homeowners shouldn't have much problem getting permitted, but homeowners with three bedrooms or more are going to find themselves potentially kicked off the platforms and scrambling to find solutions. 

The following is an excerpt from the Tribune article. You can find the full article in the link included.  ~ M.W. 

Beginning March 31, 2017 Violations of City Short Term Rental Requirements will be Issued Citations

On February 9, 2017, the Bureau of Development Services (BDS) adopted an Administrative Rule for the enforcement of Accessory Short Term Rentals (ASTR) in the City of Portland. The adopted Administrative Rule provides BDS the authority to issue citations for violations of the Portland Zoning Code ASTR regulations. On March 31, 2017, BDS will begin issuing citations for ASTR violations in order to allow for communication of the new enforcement approach to interested parties. Violations of the ASTR regulations will be issued citations ranging from $1,000-$5,000 per occurrence. Citations are effective immediately and do not provide a compliance period prior to the assessment of fines. The citation can be reviewed administratively and then appealed to the Code Hearings Officer.