City of Dundee

*Disclaimer: Short Term Rental regulations are in a constant state of change. I provide and update information on individual city regulations as I’m able, but it should in no way be taken as legal advice. Please do your own due-diligence and take the necessary steps to operate a legal business in your area.

Short Term Rental Permits, LLC (STR Permits) application assistance fee: $1200.00 - This is the providers service fee only. The service fee includes all printing required for application submittal, postage, and the providers travel/transportation costs. The providers fee does not include any City of Dundee fees or contracted services costs such as… architectural drawings, installation of smoke detectors, etc.

Short Term Rental Permits, LLC provides:

  • Consultation on City of Dundee compliance and regulations. (I’ve highlighted in bold below the required elements that must be met in order to move forward with obtaining a City of Dundee STR permit. Please read the bold points to see if your property qualifies to operate a STR within city limits.)

  • Management of all submittal elements such as contracting for architectural drawings, contact with property/booking manager to collect house rules and operations documents, etc.

  • Draft required narrative to show compliance and understanding of City Code 17.203.240.

  • Photographs of compliance in the home (proof of smoke detectors and fire extinguishers).

  • Completion and/or collection of all application forms and documentation.

  • Consistent communication and coordination with all parties including the City Planner.

Ready to find out more? Schedule a phone meeting to discuss your property by clicking the button below.

City of Dundee STR Permit - overview of application elements:

  1. Short Term Rental Application

  2. Business License Application

  3. Transient Tax Registration

  4. A Site Plan drawn to scale, which indicates the following:

    • The actual shape and dimensions of the lot,

    • Sizes and locations of buildings and off-street parking spaces (existing and proposed).

  5. A floor plan(s) must be included which clearly indicates the intended use of all interior areas (e.g., bedrooms, kitchen, living room, storage, etc.) by guests and locations of smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire extinguisher(s).

  6. Images of the required safety features.

  7. A list of the rules and requirements for renters. (If approved, these will be requirements of the permit.)

  8. A narrative explaining how the standards listed in DMC 17.203.240(J) and DMC 17.402.050 are met.

Links to City of Dundee forms and STR information

City of Dundee Standard Short Term Rental Application Form:

City of Dundee Transient Room Tax Registration Form:

City of Dundee Transient Room Tax Remittance Form:

City of Dundee Business License Application Form:

City of Dundee Development Code for Short Term Rentals:!/Dundee17/Dundee17203.html#17.203.240

City of Dundee Development Code 17.203.240 Vacation rentals.

All short-term rentals (STRs) shall conform to the following standards:

A. Applicability. No person shall occupy, use, operate or manage, nor offer or negotiate to use, lease or rent, a dwelling unit for short-term rental unless issued a STR permit or exempted under this section. The standards of this section shall supersede the standards elsewhere in the development code, unless otherwise stated. This section applies to a dwelling unit in a residential or agriculture (AG) zone built for permanent use. The person(s) renting the STR must rent the dwelling in its entirety for the purpose of overnight lodging to visitors for less than 28 days at any one time.

B. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to provide a process and standards for allowing STR units while mitigating possible impacts to neighbors. STRs are not considered home occupations.

C. Review Process. There are two types of short-term rentals. Infrequent and standard STRs are regulated below.

1. Infrequent STRs are properties that are available for rent fewer than 30 days total per calendar year. These are:

a. Processed as a Type I application.

b. Required to comply with the notice requirement listed in subsection (D)(1) of this section.

c. Required to comply with all the standards listed in subsection (J) of this section.

d. Limited to no more than four rental periods per calendar year (cumulatively no more than 30 days per calendar year). For purposes of this section, a rental period means a range of continuous days.

e. Exempt from the concentration limits for STRs in subsection (I) of this section.

2. Standard STRs shall be processed as a Type II application.

3. All STR applications must include (this supersedes the requirements of DMC 17.402.040, except DMC 17.402.040(B)(2) and (7)):

a. A site plan drawn to scale, which indicates the following: the actual shape and dimensions of the lot, sizes and locations of buildings and off-street parking spaces (existing and proposed). In addition to the site plan, a floor plan(s) must be included which clearly indicates the intended use of all interior areas (e.g., bedrooms, kitchen, living room, storage, etc.) by guests and locations of smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire extinguisher(s).

b. Bedroom and bathroom counts.

c. Images of the following required safety features: smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire extinguishers. The images should include the date the image was taken.

d. A list of the applicant’s rules and requirements for renters. If the STR is approved these will be requirements of the permit.

e. A narrative explaining how the standards below and the criteria from DMC 17.402.050 are met (for infrequent STRs the criteria from DMC 17.401.020(C) pertain).

D. Notice. A Type II written notice consistent with DMC 17.401.030 shall be provided to all neighbors within 200 feet of the property. The notice shall contain all of the following information:

1. The name, address, and telephone number of a local contact person responsible for maintenance and responding to emergencies, so that residents may report any problems with the STR as outlined in subsection (K) of this section.

2. All other requirements of DMC 17.401.030(B)(3).

E. Criteria. For both Type I infrequent short-term rentals and Type II short-term rentals the criteria are:

1. The proposed STR will not present any burden on neighbors to the property. Any mitigations added to address concerns have been included as requirements of the permit. Mitigation may be required to the satisfaction of city staff.

2. The applicant has applied for a business license.

3. All standards from subsection (J) of this section have been met.

F. Business License and Transient Room Tax.

1. The owner of the STR shall obtain and annually renew a business license pursuant to Chapter 5.04 DMC with the city of Dundee (Type I and II), and shall comply with Chapter 3.04 DMC, Transient Room Tax (Type I and Type II).

2. The owner of the STR shall renew the business license and remit payment of the business license fee by April 1st of any year; otherwise the STR permit will be void.

3. A STR permit holder must generate at least $500.00 in transient room taxes pursuant to Chapter 3.04 DMC over any continuous 12-month period; otherwise the STR permit will be void.

4. All business license renewals for STRs shall include:

a. Evidence at the time of renewal that all transient room taxes have been paid in full for the previous year.

b. The owner or property owner must annually provide contact information to neighbors within 200 feet of the STR property, including an emergency contact other than the property owner. An affidavit shall be provided with the business license renewal application stating such mailing has been sent.

c. The applicant shall provide a log of complaints to the city annually with the business license renewal. This shall include issues received/reported by the property owner or manager and all nuisance issues that were addressed by the police. The log must explain how each complaint was addressed.

G. Limits on Permit Transfer. All STR permit approvals will only be valid for the current property owner (not including transfers to trusts, LLCs, divorces or similar changes in names, but not ownership). Any sale of the property will automatically invalidate the STR permit.

H. Overnight Occupancy Limits. The maximum overnight occupancy for the STR shall be two persons per bedroom plus two additional persons; however, in no case shall the overnight occupancy exceed 10 persons, regardless of the bedroom count.

I. Concentration Limits. At no point shall the number of STR permits in the city exceed five percent of the total number of detached single-family homes in the city, calculated at the time the permit is issued. Infrequent STRs are exempt and do not contribute to the city-wide total. Any STR renewal is not required to demonstrate that they are within the five percent limit. Should the city reach the five percent limit, no new STR permits shall be issued until a sufficient number of previous STR permits do not renew or the number of residential units in the city grows to the point where there is less than five percent.

J. Standards.

1. Parking. At least two off-street parking spaces (located on the property) must be provided. In addition, one STR parking space may be on-street. All overnight and visiting guests must park in designated parking areas (as shown on the site plan). No unauthorized on-street parking is permitted.

2. Trash and Recycling Facilities. The owner shall provide for and maintain regular trash collection. Available bins must have adequate capacity for the renters, and no uncontained garbage is allowed on the site.

3. Pets. Pets shall comply with DMC Title 6.

4. Noise Limits. All activities associated with the STR shall comply with the noise standards in Chapter 8.28 DMC. Any violations are to be considered nuisance violations.

5. RVs and Other Temporary Shelters. The premises of the STR may not include any occupied recreational vehicle, trailer, tent, or other temporary shelter during the rental occupancy. Tents, including event tents, are not permitted.

6. Nuisances. All activities associated with the STR shall not cause a nuisance as defined in Chapter 8.16 DMC.

7. Posting of Information. The applicant shall keep posted a list of information about the STR adjacent to the front door inside the dwelling. At a minimum, the posting shall include the following information:

a. The name and contact information for a local contact person responsible for maintenance and responding to emergencies and/or complaints.

b. The current annual STR business license.

c. Any requirements for the STR to ensure it complies with this code.

d. The location of any safety equipment including fire extinguishers.

e. The maximum number of occupants that was approved by the city.

f. A list of the applicant’s requirements for renters of the property (enforceable as part of this permit issuance).

8. Guest Register. The owner or property manager shall maintain a guest register listing each tenant of the STR along with the number of dwelling occupancy days consistent with DMC 3.04.150.

9. No Type II STR shall be located adjacent (contiguous to the property on the same side of the street) to any permitted Type II STR unit. The planning commission may approve contiguous Type II STR permits as a conditional use permit with criteria as outlined in subsection (H) of this section.

10. STRs are allowed in any dwelling unit in a residential zone or the agriculture (A) zone except multifamily dwellings and accessory dwelling units. An owner shall not rent out a main house while they live in an accessory dwelling unit.

11. For all Type II STRs, the property owner shall designate a local representative that is physically located within the Dundee urban growth boundary (UGB) or within 10 vehicular miles of the UGB. Said representative can be a property owner or a licensed property management company with a physically staffed office within 10 vehicular miles of the UGB. The owner may be the designated representative if the owner resides within these stated limits.

The local representative must be authorized by the owner of the dwelling to respond to the tenant and neighborhood questions or immediate concerns. The local representative shall serve as the initial contact person if there are questions or complaints regarding the operation of the STR, including immediate complaints. The local representative must respond to complaints in a timely manner to ensure the dwelling complies with the standards for STRs and other city ordinances pertaining to, but not limited to, noise, disturbances, nuisances, as well as state laws pertaining to the consumption of alcohol, or the use of illegal drugs, or other illegal activities.

12. No person or principal shall possess more than one STR permit pursuant to this chapter.

13. Smoke detectors are required in all sleeping areas, the hallway serving them, and every floor. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be located in each bedroom or within 15 feet of each bedroom door. Bedrooms on separate floor levels in a structure shall have separate carbon monoxide alarms serving each story. A fire extinguisher having a minimum rating of 2:A 10:BC must be mounted three to four feet above the floor in the kitchen area approximately five to 10 feet from the cooking stove.

K. Complaints and Permit Revocation.

1. Immediate Complaints. Immediate complains are those made directly to the STR representative and/or the fire or police department. These are not intended to be reported to City Hall. The process identified in this subsection (K)(1) is separate from the process identified in subsection (K)(2) of this section. Any complaint made to both the STR representative and the city will follow both processes identified in this subsection (K)(1) and subsection (K)(2) of this section.

a. All immediate complaints shall go to the property owner or property manager. The property owner or property manager is required to address any immediate complaints while the offending renter is still on site. Any emergencies should be reported to police and/or the fire department first.

b. Any unresolved complaints that are not addressed by the property owner or property manager shall be addressed by the local police department as a nuisance complaint.

c. The applicant shall provide a log of complaints to the city annually with the business license renewal. This shall include issues addressed by the property owner or manager and all nuisance issues that were addressed by the police.

d. Where complaints are persistent and recurring such that they have a detrimental effect to the quiet enjoyment of the adjoining residents, as determined by the city administrator, the city administrator may schedule a hearing before the planning commission to consider adding additional conditions for mitigation or revoking the short-term rental permit. The owner may appeal the planning commission decision to the city council.

2. Standards Violations. Any complaints about a violation of the standards listed in subsection (J) of this section shall be reported to the city. The city shall notify the property owner in writing of any corrective action necessary to correct the violation, and the owner shall have 30 days to correct the identified issue. If the city receives three or more complaints about violations of the standards listed in subsection (J) of this section within a 12-month period, the city administrator shall schedule a hearing before the planning commission to consider adding additional conditions for mitigation or revoking the short-term rental permit. The owner may appeal the planning commission decision to the city council. Any revocation of an STR permit shall last at least one year before an applicant can reapply for an STR. Any new application to reinstate the STR shall be treated as an all new application. [Ord. 572-2021 § 1 (Exh. B); Ord. 563-2018 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 537-2014 § 1].