Frequently Asked Questions about Short Term Rental Permits
Table of Contents
What types of structures are allowed to operate accessory short-term rentals?
What are the steps for getting an accessory short-term rental permit?
What will the BDS inspection include?
How do I know if my bedroom(s) were legally created?
How long is the Type A permit valid and how often do I need an inspection from BDS?
Can renters apply for an accessory short-term rental permit?
How much is the short-term rental permit fee?
Where do I turn in my application?
Do I need to register my ASTR activity as a business?
Do I have to pay transient lodging taxes?
Can I rent my house when I am away?
How will the City know details about my short-term rental?
Can I hire someone to run my accessory short-term rental?
Do I need my neighbor’s approval?
How can I decrease impacts of my short-term rental guests on my neighbors?
Do I have to post the permit number?
What if I don't get a permit for my short-term rental?
What is the process if I have concerns or think my neighbor is not meeting the City’s short-term rental regulations?
What types of structures are allowed to operate accessory short-term rentals?
The Zoning Code (Chapter 33.207 Accessory Short-Term Rentals) allows a resident to rent bedrooms in all residential structure types when accessory to a Household Living use. A Type A accessory short –term rental allows the rental of 1-2 bedrooms to overnight guests on a short-term basis (less than 30 days). Larger accessory short-term rentals with 3-5 bedrooms (Type B accessory short-term rentals) may be allowed if approved through a Land Use Conditional Use Review.
What are the steps for getting an accessory short-term rental permit?
Fill out the application (based on the permit type and structure type) and submit permit fee payment
Complete the requirements for the Neighborhood Notice, and
Have the bedroom(s) to be rented to overnight guests inspected by BDS (if applicable).
What will the BDS inspection include?
For 1&2 Dwelling structures, BDS will verify that each bedroom to be rented to overnight guests met the building code requirements for a sleeping room at the time it was created or converted, has a smoke detector that is interconnected with a smoke detector in an adjacent hallway, common area, or immediate vicinity of sleeping rooms and is located on a floor that has a functioning carbon monoxide alarm. Carbon monoxide alarms shall be located in each bedroom or within 15 feet outside of each bedroom door. For Multi-Dwelling structures, the property owner or their authorized agent must self-certify that the bedrooms comply with the interconnected smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector requirements.
How do I know if my bedroom(s) were legally created?
Please visit the inspection process for more detailed information related to the required BDS inspection.
How long is the Type A permit valid and how often do I need an inspection from BDS?
The resident of a Type A accessory short-term rental must obtain a permit from BDS every two years. City Council directed the Bureau of Development Services to perform a site inspection of the bedroom(s) to be used as a short-term rental for the initial application and every 6 years thereafter. In the intervening renewal years, or years 2, 4, 8, 10, etc., the resident may self-certify compliance with the bedroom requirements of 33.207.040.B.4.
Can renters apply for an accessory short-term rental permit?
Yes, but they must have their landlord’s approval. Pursuant to City Code 33.207.040.C.2.a, a Type A Accessory Short-Term Rental permit application must include notarized signatures by the property owner (or authorized agent), resident, and operator (if applicable).
How much is the short-term rental permit fee?
For permits in 1&2 Dwelling Structures the initial short-term rental permit fee is $178.08 which includes the cost of the Bureau of Development Services bedroom inspection. On renewal years when the BDS inspection is not required the fee will be $62.00. For permit in Multi-Dwelling structures the initial short-term rental permit fee is $100.00 and renewals will be $62.00.
Where do I turn in my application?
Application forms are located on the BDS website, but Type A accessory short-term rental permits are not available via online permitting or payment at this time.
Customers are strongly encouraged to mail complete Type A applications with check (payable to City of Portland) to:
Bureau of Development Services
Neighborhood Inspections & Compliance Services
1900 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 5000
Portland, OR 97201
Applications with payments by credit card or cash must be submitted in person: Development Services Center (DSC), on the first floor of 1900 SW Fourth Ave. Please check our DSC Business Hours and Service Availability webpage before visiting the DSC. NOTE that the DSC service is on a first-come, first-served basis, and you may have a long wait time to submit your application.
Type B Accessory Short Term Rentals must be approved through a discretionary Type II or Type III Conditional Use land use review. For more information on this review process, please see the BDS website: Conditional Use Review | Land Use Review Types | The City of Portland, Oregon or visit a BDS planner in the Development Services Center or phone them at (503) 823-7526 to discuss a Type B accessory short-term rental and the Land Use Conditional Use Review process.
Do I need to register my ASTR activity as a business?
Yes, rental activity, including an accessory short-term rental, is considered a business and everyone doing business in the City of Portland is required to register their business. No payment is due with the registration form and businesses grossing less than $50,000 per year before expenses are exempt from paying the City of Portland Business License Tax. However, if exempt you will need to make an annual filing to support the exemption request.
Do I have to pay transient lodging taxes?
Yes, operators of accessory short-term rentals must collect transient lodging taxes (occupancy tax) from their overnight guests and remit these taxes to the City of Portland for both Portland and Multnomah County. This is how the tax revenue is distributed:
City of Portland: 6% (5% to City general fund; 1% to Travel Portland), and
Multnomah County: 5.5% (2.5% Convention Center Phase II, .275% hotel operators, 2.725% Convention Center Phase I)
For more information contact the City of Portland Revenue Bureau at:
Can I rent my house when I am away?
Yes, with an accessory short-term rental permit both Type A & Type B, you must reside in the dwelling unit with the accessory short-term rental at least 270 days per calendar year—roughly 9 months. There are no limits to the number of nights you may have a short-term rental. Therefore, the maximum number of days you may be away from home and renting to overnight guests is 95—roughly 3 months.
How will the City know details about my short-term rental?
All accessory short-term rentals are required to maintain a guest log book with names and home addresses of overnight guests, guest’s license plate numbers if traveling by car, dates of stay, and the room assigned each guest. The log must be available for inspection by City staff upon request.
Can I hire someone to run my accessory short-term rental?
Yes, a resident can designate anyone, including a property management company, to manage their accessory short-term rental. The designee must follow all the accessory short-term rental regulations and provide contact information in the Neighborhood Notice.
Do I need my neighbor’s approval?
No, but you must provide a Neighborhood Notice to property owners abutting or directly across from your property as a courtesy. As long as you meet the requirements for accessory short-term rentals and renew your permit every two years you are allowed to rent up to two of your bedrooms to overnight guests.
How can I decrease impacts of my short-term rental guests on my neighbors?
Be a good neighbor and expect your guests to be so as well. Most complaints the City receives about accessory short-term rentals are: on-street parking; noise/activity associated with arriving and departing; and late night outdoor socializing. House rules and clear expectations for your guests can be established to address these issues.
Do I have to post the permit number?
Yes, the City requires the accessory short-term rental permit number to be included in all advertising or other listing services and be prominently displayed in the dwelling unit. The Revenue Bureau will also request your permit number when you register for the Transient Lodging Tax.
What if I don't get a permit for my short-term rental?
If you operate an accessory short-term rental without the required permit, you will be found in violation of Portland City Code and subject to enforcement action. Citations with civil penalties of $1,000 - $5,000 may be issued for violations of Chapter 33.207. For more information on the citation process, please see the Permanent Rule: Accessory Short Term Rental (ASTR) Enforcement.
A Type A accessory short-term rental permit can be revoked for failure to comply with the regulations of Chapter 33.207. When a Type A accessory short-term rental permit has been revoked, a new Type A accessory short-term rental permit will not be issued to that resident at that site for 2 years, in addition to other enforcement actions for continued non-compliance.
What is the process if I have concerns or think my neighbor is not meeting the City’s short-term rental regulations?
We recommend you talk to your neighbor—many issues can be resolved through better communication and simple changes. You may also wish to contact neighborhood mediation to help work out peaceful solutions to everyday conflicts. However, if you believe your neighbor is not meeting the regulations of their permit, or lacks a permit, you may submit a complaint to the BDS Enforcement Program or by calling (503) 823-2633.